
Posts Tagged ‘Run’

Queen Deal

I’m not cocky or anything, but I hereby grant myself the title “Queen of Deals.”  Seriously.  Almost so much that it bites me in the butt when I can’t turn down a good deal and end up spending more than I would have otherwise.

I guess that’s the point of sales.

I went into Vons today to buy:

1. 1 container of Chobani yogurt for their facebook contest

2. Coffee creamer if had no self restraint and it somehow ended up in my basket

I walked out with:


For $14!!!!!!!  I do not lie.

I happened to walk by a random side freezer that was housing Vitatops, Amy’s, and all gourmet vegetarian foods all for 50% off.  Guess they were doing some sort of spring New Year’s cleaning?

Then I spotted blueberry yogurts for 50% off as well – making them 20 cents each.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next few days?  I think yes.

I obviously had no self-control as the coffee creamer still ended up in my basket.  I blame the 50% off endorphins.s

Might I add that this was my first grocery shopping trip in a month?  Shows how much I eat at home.

I also scored some major deals at a local natural health foods store (similar to Whole Foods) when I went in for 1 specific thing.  The cashier gave me extra coupons off, and even let me keep my free “Food Should Taste Good” coupon after I used it!

Definitely my day Smile


Food highlights as of late have included:

Some sort of Chicken Masala from TJ’s (bought at work).  Not super great, wouldn’t buy again.


Thai tofu leftovers at work:


And iced coffee in my new Starbucks tumbler!!  (X-mas gift from the sista!)


I used to have the Grande size, but dropped and broke it.  I really wanted to Venti this time.  It’s huge, but you know that’s how I like them Winking smile


This is what happens when you arrive back home at 2:20 on Sunday and have work at 3:00.  Then continue to work 8:00-8:00 for the next 3 days.  You dump your luggage, bags of crap, and bags of gifts on your floor…and don’t have time to clean anything up.


And also get to the point of “I don’t care, my room is already messy, let’s just strip my clothes off/take my shoes off/store it on the floor because I’m going to clean up soon anyways” mood.

I really wish I was lying about that picture, but I’m not.


Speaking of deals, I tried out a new pair of running shoes I got on sale at Running Warehouse tonight.  I also wore my new pair of running capris that I got at Nordstrom Rack for $15.  They look like denim, are super comfy, and I’m in love.


Running Warehouse has a bunch of their “older” models on sale, and I bought 4 online to try on and try out.  Yes, I ordered them online even though I live less than 2 miles away from the actual warehouse. 

I’m testing them all out, and trying to decide on 2, then will return the others.  I’ll talk about them soon in a post.  Thank you Christmas money! Open-mouthed smile

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I’m Meltingggggg

I awoke at 9:42. Yes. You read that right. 9:42. All hear the angels sing and the heavens part. I got to sleep in today!!

What with a 58-hour a week work schedule, 6 am weekend shifts, and long runs going on – I don’t get much sleeping in time.

It felt good.

I still wanted to get a run in, however, so breakfast was small and easy.

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At first I planned to go 6 miles. But it was hot out there. 90s for sure. So I dropped it down to a 5 mile loop, and I was okay with that.

I told myself I would give myself a walk break every mile to drink some water. When I realized it would be more like every 1/2 mile, I was definitely okay with that. I was literally parched (as in dying in a dessert parched) every 1/4 of a mile. So 1/2 mile stretches were tough enough.

I definitely did more walking though and stopped in the shade a few times to rest. I was okay with that.

And when I started getting nauseous around mile 3.5, I increased my walk breaks, and seriously thought I would have to walk home from there. But I ran a bit, walked a bit, walked a bit, then ran a bit – until I got to 4 miles. Then I walked the rest of the way home. I’m pretty sure it was 4.6 miles total (with the .6 mile walking chunk at the end).

I was more than okay with that. I was happy with that. Sometimes you need to know when to push yourself, and when you’ve pushed yourself enough. I was just happy I got out there.

Did you know it peaked at 110.9 degrees today?!?! You don’t understand – that is unheard of here. SO HOT.

Before the run – nervous, yet confident to get out in the blazing heat.

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Spot the difference? 😉

I was literally melting as I foam rolled. My skin felt like it was dripping off. Pleasant, I know.




I was then in a rush rush rush to get to work! Grabbed a quick snack.

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Ooozing goozing (ew what a gross word) PB.

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2:30 – get off babysitting.

Drive home. Change. Grab a quick lunch.

2:50 – drive to my other job.

In a mad rush I ate a pesto chicken quesadilla wrap.

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A handful of trail mix.

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And a ginormous apple, that literally weighs a pound. (It was .88 cent/lb for apples. I bought 3. My total was $2.50 for them. You do the math).

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Work was hot, but not nearly as hot as this weekend. Although the tile floor did crack from the heat. I stepped on a lump, looked down, and the floor was literally erupting – almost like an earthquake had split it. Crazy.

Salad bar never fails. + brown rice pilaf. I felt so healthy eating this dinner. I loved it.

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I ended up dumping my rice into the salad.

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And you know night time snacks are a necessity.

Here we have some nasto-o looking thing.

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But as usual, quite delicious. Cinnamon baked apples mixed with yogurt & applesauce.

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And please don’t ask why I’m drinking hot chocolate when it’s still 77 degrees outside, and I don’t have a window to open in my room. Nor a fan to blow artificial breezes in my direction.

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I’m crazy.

Any good recipes using applesauce?? I have an abundance of it since I bought a big ol’ 32 oz container to use 1/2 a cup to make the bread pudding (which is soooooooooo good!).

Must. Use. Up. Applesauce.

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BREAKING NEWS: I now have internet!! I even set it up without once calling my dad for help 🙂 Oh the empowerment of such things.

And since it’s now Thursday, it’s only appropriate that I catch you up on the week’s adventures.

Monday morning started with toast on cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread.

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Then I headed out on what I wanted to be a 6 miler. But it was pretty warm when I set out. And I was thirsty. And the area I live now is pretty boring for running. My old house was near many different routes I could take, including many neighborhoods to wind in and out of. My new place is in a more commercial district and there’s really only 2-3 straight shot paths I can take. I did a loop that I’m sure will become a staple that ended up being 4.5 miles. Then tacked on another .5 mile at the end.

Distance: 5 miles
Time: 45:56
Avg pace: 8:59

BOOYA!!!! I definitely wanted to get below 9 minute miles and I did! Sure it might have been 8:59, but it’s below 9, which equals 8. No rounding up in my book. Since my injury, I’ve been running mainly 9-10 min mile pace, so I was happy. I guess there’s an upside to living around straight shot flat land, rather than giant hills.

I came back, fiddled with our new broken shower (which the landlord seems not to want to deal with), grabbed a quick lunch, and headed off to nannying.

PB&J never fails when in a hurry.

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Monday’s dinner at work was delicious. I love cauliflower. And this couscous was amaze.

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I also got a flat bread pizza, which I obviously didn’t need all of after the side entree of couscous. So I had one slice.

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And left room for dessert – S’mores pudding parfait. Yes. There are marshmallows on the bottom.

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Tuesday morning consisted of a cottage cheese mess bowl.

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In the cottage cheese container since it was near empty. CIACCC (cereal in a cottage cheese container).

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I got this cottage cheese because it was on “Introductory super sale” for like $1.50. I’m not a huge fan of the added fiber to things. I feel like it’s used to make things lower calories, lower “net carbs”, etc. And I’d rather get my natural fiber from natural sources. But I feel it is good for people who do struggle to get their fiber in – although whole foods should be pushed! But it was actually very tasty!!

I ate the last bit of the banana with some chocolate hazelcrack nut butter.

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I’m so happy to be moved in with my own dishes – my mugs are back!!

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At work, the 3-year old and I walked the 15 minutes to Jamba Juice downtown. She got the Orange A-peel, and we had it split in 2 kids cups (did you know you could do that?! I didn’t).

Sure, I’ll take the other kids cup.

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I also had a “buy 1 get 1 free” coupon and used it to get a very special smoothie I’ve wanted to try since last year.

Well, doesn’t that look nasty.

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Pumpkin Smash smoothie!!!!! I took only a couple sips of this thing to try it ASAP, and it was SWEET. So sweet I actually puckered up a bit. I asked them if there was a way to make it “lighter,” and they really didn’t know. I think I would look into this more. But until then, I make my own pumpkin smoothies quite delicious, thank you 🙂

I’m losing you aren’t I? Ok I’ll hurry up through the rest of Tuesday and onto Wednesday.

Lunch was leftover flatbread pizza.

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And I think I had a fruit salad cottage cheese mixture on my way out the door to work. I think.

Dinner was unphotograped but it was soup, salad and rice. Meh.

But dessert was phenom. Cake batter & dulce de leche froyo with the most necessary toppings known to mankind – crushed oreos and chocolate sauce. And a bit of cookie dough. Oh and I wanted to try those mochi balls(?). Not a fan.

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Moving onto Wednesday, I honestly can’t find a picture of my breakfast. I think it was oatmeal. So sorry, this has been a crazy week.

I randomly snacked at work, and then picked up a salad at TJs while picking up groceries for my nannying family. My old roommate always raved about this Spa Salad (I think it’s the spa salad – I could be wrong).

Rip-off!!! Where did my mandarin oranges run off to?

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It comes with chicken, mandarin oranges (supposedly), cheese (also seemed to be missing that?), grapes, and a curry dressing. Over lettuce and some type of noodles.

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On second thought I added some of my new hummus as well.

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Pretty good. But I probably wouldn’t buy again.

Mmm splurge-worthy hummus.

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A bit basily for my taste (and I love basil!!). I want to try the plain white bean hummus next.

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The rest of the day went unphotographed again, but let me just say it contained parmesan crusted potatoes, peach crisp, and a brownie pudding parfait. Yes sir. Or Ma’am.

I’ll try to recap today during tomorrow’s post so as not to overwhelm you. I’m just so happy to have internet!!!

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Or the post also known as: “I completely passed out on Saturday night before posting and had to combine 2 days worth of eats.” DUN DUN DUN!!! It’s on! Which long day of eats is more delicious?

But first, I have to say…I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I seriously can’t stop eating!Friday night I just wanted to eat eat eat! Definitely wasn’t hungry – but I sure was munchy! I just went with the flow and knew my body was craving something. Obviously, if I let myself eat every single time I want to – I would balloon (I could eat almost all the time). But with recently upping my mileage, and perhaps exhaustion from work – I know my body needs fuel. I’ve even been waking up in the middle of the night hungry!

Midnight cereal.

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I can’t fall asleep when I’m hungry. Ever. No matter what.

Now onto the battle.

Saturday’s Breakfast:

I was starving when I awoke at 5:00 am! Scratched out my original plan for a small breakfast! And went with a yogurt mess instead.

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  • Plain yogurt mixed with cinnamon
  • Honeydew (so so so so juicy & sweet!!)
  • Kashi Golean
  • Strawberry jam (RIP. I need a jam detox)
  • Scoops of nut butter
  • Drizzle of maple syrup

Mmmm maple syrup.

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All mixed up!

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My 8:45 am breakfast went unpictured since the lighting in the caff is awful at that time. But it looked the same as this one:

Cottage cheese + canteloupe and oats + eggs.

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Sunday Breakfast:

Unlike Saturday, I was completely not hungry Sunday morning. My breakfast was still yogurt & cereal, but on a much smaller level.

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And my 8:45 am breakfast snack of cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, and the iced top of a bran/carrot/ginger(?) muffin.

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Saturday Lunch:

Lunch was small, yet rich. Mushroom bisque soup (SOUPer creamy. ha) along with vegetable ratatouille.

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I only managed half the soup before calling it a day.


Sunday Lunch:

Orange glazed chicken, broccoli with garlic butter sauce, and turkey meat sauce which I topped the broccoli with. And also ate a bunch on the side. Kind of like soup.

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And a small side salad with blue cheese, olives, & craisins.

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Saturday snacks:

English muffin around 2:30.

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Along with a fatty slice of watermelon.

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And canned green beans + pasta sauce + parm cheese at around 4:45.

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I’m a big fan of canned green beans lately. And pasta sauce. Win win!

And an Asian pear I got from Farmers ($1/lb!! Deal).

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My temporary new roommate also brought apple strudel and said to help myself. She asked for it!!

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I picked at a whole piece throughout the afternoon.


Sunday Snacks:

I came home, ate a giant slice of watermelon like looked exactly like Saturday’s (scroll up, or just here’s a reminder:)

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And then CRASHED for a good 1 1/2 hours. I’ve gotten 7 hours of sleep combined in the past 2 nights on top of my 8 hour a day exhausting job. I’m looking forward to sleep tonight!

I awoke to have a pre-run snack of toast with PB & vanilla-pear butter.

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And yes more apple strudel.

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No more! It looks good, but honestly doesn’t taste that good. Not sweet enough for me 😉

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Saturday Dinner:

I ended up hitting up Woodstocks for pizza with a couple friends. Normally I wouldn’t spend money, especially since I just bought dinner at Farmer’s this week. But I really really needed to get out of the house and be social.

Since the table ordered pepperoni, I got a personal half “Garlic Bird” and half “BBQ Bird” on wheat. With light cheese. But it was of course still super cheesy 😉 Exactly why I got light cheese – they layer that stuff on!! I totally didn’t expect them to do half & half on a personal, but they did! 😀

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I had half of this personal, and 1 slice of a pesto veggie. Funny stury -we still had the old people’s number up from the table before us, and they accidentally re-made their pizza and gave it to us. We told them, but they couldn’t take it back. And we were left with a free half meat lovers-half pesto veggie pizza!

Okay, maybe that wasn’t such a funny story. But since the whole table seemed to be scared of veggies, I got free pizza from it.

I was trying to save room for the delicious cinnabread, which my friend got to go, but we never broke into 😦 Ahh well.

We then continued to redbox, where they decided to rent Wolfman. Which I think I slept through half of, thank goodness. It was beyond awful. And I swear, the graphics were from the 80s. I half expected Michael Jackson to jump out and rock his Thriller dance any second. My friends also convinced me to have a glass of wine, which I think aided in the sleep.  Okay, not much convincing was involved.


Sunday Dinner:

Leftover pizza!! 1 BBQ & 1 garlic slice (which I took a bite out of to taste it cold) toasted in the toaster oven.

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I’ve never toasted up leftover pizza before, but it was A-MAZING. Seriously, better than last night. Slightly crispy, warm, and still ooey gooey!

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Plus a veggie pesto piece eaten cold while the other two were toasting up.

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So in short story, the exact same dinner I had last night.

I could’ve had a glass of wine to make the nights even, but opted for hot chocolate instead.

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My days were similar, my days were different. But which day’s eats look better to you? Even though they are super similar.  Not gonna lie.

PS: Run was awesome 🙂 My Garmin never located satellites, so I just ran for time.

Time: 50:13
Est. Distance: 5.25-5.5 miles

And I ran the ENTIRE time. I’m so happy to be back and running normally again. I thank my lucky stars everyday 😀

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I love this shirt. LIVE. YOUR. LIFE. Do it. Now.

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Only do it forwards – not backwards like this picture states. Or do it backwards. Whichever makes you happiest.

I like to have a smaller light breakfast before a run so I don’t cramp up.

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Whole wheat english muffin – 1/2 with berry cream cheese. 1/2 with maple PB & vanilla-pear butta.

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I then set out on a 5-6 miler. Super great run. Why? Well, since you asked – let me tell you.

  • I didn’t walk once. Nope. Not once. Except for stopping at stop lights, this was the first and farthest I’ve ran without any walk breaks since my injury. Amaze.
  • It was pretty speedy. Not Speedy Gonzales, exactly. But kind of. Maybe more like his half-brother type of speedy.

Distance: 6 miles
Time: 54:45
Avg pace: 9:07 (darn – so close to the 8 minutes!)

  • Mile 1: 8:50
  • Mile 2: 8:46
  • Mile 3: 9:16
  • Mile 4: 9:11
  • Mile 5: 9:00
  • Mile 6: 9:41

So I like the idea of negative splits and all. But honestly, like I mentioned before – there are hills and inclines all over where I live. The first mile I usually run is also slightly downhill, making my first mile normally faster than the rest. Therefore, negative splits and I – we’re just not that compatible. But I try.

I came back and was superbly hungry. But I didn’t want to eat lunch until after I showered. So I cut up some….

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And had an overflowing bowl of…

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Did you know watermelon sprinkled with salt is quite delicious?

After showering, doing my hurr, and getting into some clothing, I nuked up some sort of Kashi meal. Sweet & sour chicken to be exact. Not my faves, but it was in the freezer saying “Use me up!” So I listened.

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Plus some carrot fries on the side 40 minutes later. They took that long to cook.

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I struggled about 10 minutes to get the remaining ketchup out of this bottle. I think a re-designing of the ketchup bottle is in order.

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Some homemade iced coffee for “dessert.” While scanning and clipping coupons from the weekly grocery ads of course.

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I’ve decided I need to start wearing a bib.

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I have Thursday and Fridays off from my hospital job. So I suppose it’s technically my “weekend.” However I still nanny. Hello 2 jobs!

At least today we made cupcakes!

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Red velvet cupcakes – the Sprinkles (store in LA) mix. Frosting? I had more than my fair share.

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I took one…

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And cut it in half…

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I had already had SO much frosting and some batter while baking.

Carrots & apples consumed while they were baking. Nothing in comparison of course.

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I requested to get off in time to go to Farmers Market. Then I sat around for a bit waiting to hear from my friend when and if she could go to Farmers (while I also snacked on another bowl of watermelon). Finally I decided to just GO. Get out of the house and do it! I got one of my favorite meals at Farmers – chicken teriyaki! Drowning (I mean probably 1/2 cup’s worth) in teriyaki sauce. Plus some random white and pink sauce I wanted to try out.

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Yes – there’s rice under there!

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About 2 cup’s worth of white rice. This meal doesn’t skimp for $6.

Stuffed and satisfied, I wandered more of Farmer’s and had a few samples (a couple almonds, pita & hummus, and a multitude of delicious peaches). Before stopping in Yogurt Creations for a small bit of dessert.

Cake batter(!!) topped with spiced apple topping and some Reese’s crumbs.

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After a bit more wandering, I came home to enjoy some of my yummy wine (in a wine glass from my grandma!)

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x2. Remember – Live yo’ life!

I also just enjoyed an egg roll and potsticker that my roommate brought home from her job working the Chinese food stand at Farmers. Live your life – and enjoy good food 😀

How are you living and enjoying your life right now? What’s your favorite current thing about your life that makes you happy?!

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This post was meant to go up yesterday (Sunday).  It looks like I wrote it, uploaded it, and then completely forgot to publish it.  Shows how tired I was.

Up and at ’em at 5:00 am yet again!

I had some of my new cereal and yogurt. Plus a scoop of maple PB.

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And mulitple cups of coffee obviously.

Breakfast#2 at breaktime (again – sorry of the awful lighting in the cafeteria that early in the morning).

I had some Kashi Heart to Heart with milk (it’s been so long since I’ve had normal cow’s milk!), a banana, 1/2 a blueberry muffin, and a few bites of scrambled egg.

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Due to the larger than normal meal at 8:45, 2 more cups of coffee + creamer, and a large cup of water, I really wasn’t that hungry when 11:00 lunch break rolled around.

I had some steamed peas & carrots. And got a pesto turkey wrap from the ‘to-go’ section. This wrap was delicious. Turkey, pesto, mozzarella, and different squashes.

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So so good!! But I was super full and only had a few bites. I saved the rest in the fridge for when I would actually get hungry.

I did have a small piece of banana bread overly sweetened shortbread with brown “banana” globs during the afternoon. Leftover from the patients’ lunch menu. It was okay. Remnants:

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It wasn’t until I got home that I realized I left my wrap in the fridge at work! You don’t understand how upset I was.

1. Because I was planning on eating the rest at a normal lunch time. Or for dinner.

2. Because it really was so delicious.

3. Because they might throw it away. I seriously hope not.

So instead, I had a whole wheat english muffin (is english muffin capitalized or not? Still not sure) with mixed berry cream cheese.

I was not expecting the cream cheese to be so….purpley-blue.

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Eaten while enjoying the beautiful sunshine outside.

Then I decided to run some errands. Why? I’m not sure. I didn’t exactly need anything. Apple eaten on my way out the door.

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I might have gotten 2 huge bottles of wine at Trader Joe’s for an amazingly low low price of $2.99.

And at Costco, I got slightly jipped on my sample. Excuse me, who eats the strawberry stem on their strawberry shortcake?

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I got an ad in the male from Cost Plus this week advertising these on sale:

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Having a love for anything (I mean anything) pumpkin – I knew I had to treat myself.

Cost Plus has the most amazing pumpkin selection in the world. I was in heaven (because I stood in awe at all the glory) and hell (since I couldn’t slam down my unlimited debit card and but it all).


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Pumpkin caramel corn?!?!

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Pasta sauce!!!!!!!

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+ cookies, pancake mix, bread mix, cupcake mix, scone mix, coffee, syrup, pumpkin bark…OMG GUYS. I was in there staring at all things pumpkin for a good hour.

Now I also had a $10 off a $30 purchase. So I decided to spend another $20 to get me up to $30. Which would then giveme $10 off and bring me down to $20. So in reality, I would only be spending another $10 than I already was. But getting $20 worth of goods. Make sense? It does to a bargain shopper.

Anyways, I walked out with this:

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+ some amazing looking vanilla pear butter, which I broke into promptly upon returning home. A little pre-run snack.

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Ummmmmmmmmmmmm. I found my new true love.

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Seriously. This gave me the energy to go on a bangin’ 3 mile run. Bangin because:

  1. I felt awesome and sped through it at a fast and uncomfortable pace.  I made a goal when I first set out to try and make it under 27 minutes/9 min. per mile pace.  I ended up with 3.1 miles in 26:53. That would be an 8:39 average, with my max pace peaking at 6:55 minute mile. Prior to my injury, I used to average all my runs at an 8-8:30 pace.  But since I’ve gotten back into running, my pace has definitely been slower.  I was so proud today 😀
  2. I wasn’t even planning on running. Yet I went out. And did it. And loved it.
  3. I was purely motivated by wine.

Who said wine isn’t a great post-run recovery drink? I had a date with these 2 right after my run:

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Nothing (I mean nothing) screams classier than foam rolling while drinking wine. With a few ice cubes. Yes. I’m serious.

Thank you Trader Joe’s cheap, yet delicious wine. Check out this beast in comparison to a normal bottle of wine.

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It’s like a handle of juice wine! Glorious.

I was also excited because I figured out how to use the corkscrew and pop this beauty open. All by myself. First time doing that ever. Pathetic or not, it’s true.

2 large completely normal glasses of wine later (I’m no lightweight, trust me)…I had a dinner of carrot fries, and homemade spring roll. No picture. Muchos apologies.

But needed something more around 9:15. Enter my latest obsession – Yogurt + stevia + peanut flour. Put said yogurt into freezer. 15-30 minutes later (depending on patience) remove from freezer and mix in some jam or preserves. Holla holla holla!!!! So good.

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(This time I added some cereal for more substance).

All mixed up – the jam gets all swirly.

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I guess it just looks like a normal yogurt mess. But the half-frozen nature of this thing just makes it so much better.

Can’t forget my nightly chocolate fix 😉

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GOODNIGHT to one and all. This Tay-Tay needs some major shut eye.

Here’s to hoping my wrap is stil in the fridge safe and sound tomorrow.

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Un-overnight oats

I know what you’re thinking.

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“That is one dang big bowl of cereal!”

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Oh but there’s yogurt under there don’t ya know. Mixed berry flavor.

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Also sprinkled with some peanut flour, for good measure.

I’ve gotten a few curious “Taylor – what exactly is this peanut flour you speak of?” comments.

Well, friends. Please, let me show you. This is (cue drumrolls) peanut flour.

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It sounds way more exciting than it looks, I know.

But I told you – it’s almost like peanut flavored protein powder!

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Pretty snazzy. $2.99 (or 3.99 – I really can’t remember) at TJs. Go. Run. Buy it now. But leave some for me please.

I ran. However, not to go buy more of this peanut flour (I still have half a bag left, thank you). But I ran nowhere. Just to run. What an odd concept.

Distance: 6 miles
Time: 59:22

Some random thoughts and facts about my run:

  • Total average was 9:53 per mile. But my first mile was a 8:34 pace. While my my last 2 were 11:06 and 10:68. I got tired. What negative splits?
  • My legs were really really tired. Really.
  • I stopped by my house around mile 4.5 to grab a drink of Poweraide. I thought it would be easy from there on out. I was wrong.
  • My side muscle pain thing is gone. But it still feels tight there while on my running. Maybe I should incorporate ab stretches?

Post run, foam rolling, stretching, and icing (man I have a long itinerary!), nothing in my (weak) food stash looked good. Frozen meal? Bleh. Eggs? Eat that with what side? Cereal? Umm just had that for breakfast. Oatmeal? Hello – I am mucho sweaty and hot. No thanks.

Ooooh that melon looks amazingly refreshing and good. But I’m out of yogurt to go inside the “bowl.”

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I’ve heard the rumors that you can make overnight oats in about 20 minutes and decided to try it out! In my overnight 20 minute oats:

  • 1/4 cup multigrain oats
  • 1/4 cup wheat bran
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • Peanut flour, cinnamon & squirt of syrup

Topped with 2 scoops of maple PB and some strawberry jam.

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I don’t think I soaked the oats long enough – they were still chewy and slighty hard. But I was honestly hungry and had no patience! That’s the benefit of soaking them overnight I guess. You’re not awake to hear the oats taunting you from the fridge “Na na na-na na. Come eat me!!”

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(PS: As per my nut butter challenge, I’m done with nut butter for the day now. Hold me to it!)

(PPS: To everyone out there who has yet to eat a melon bowl, or is craving one now –> Get up. Drive (or walk if you’re feeling extra environmentally friendly and green) to the store – hopefully one that has honeydew or canteloupe on sale. And buy a melon. Proceed to come home, cut in half, scoop out the seeds, and eat your melon bowl. Preferably filled with yogurt or cottage cheese, nut butter, and jam. Perhaps you may had some cereal or granola for crunch. Please. Just take my advice).

I snacked on some nature’s candy at work.

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And some manufactured made candy.

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Apparently after drinking this drink I should be able to GO-GO and run around like a super-powered maniac.

Dinner fulfilled my veggie quota for the day week.

In my giant salad:

  • Stir-fry veggies
  • 2 scrambled egg whites (random add-in)
  • Chili beans
  • Mango chutney
  • Sesame seed dressing

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I roasted some cauliflower before realizing I had no room in my stomach for more veggies. So I saved it for a snack later in the night 30 minutes after dinner.

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I toss my cauliflower with olive oil, garlic salt (or salt + garlic powder), paprika and sometimes some cumin. It’s also delicious topped with parmesan cheese. Then cook it at 400 F for 25 minutes or so!

I’m now enjoying my 3rd Red Box movie of the week (not pathetic. Just no cable over here), and enjoying a delicious snack. Also known as one of the only things in my cupboard.

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Air-popped popcorn tossed with olive oil, salt & pepper. That bowl was once completely full.

Anyone seen the Bounty Hunter? That was my movie of choice tonight. Not sure what to expect though!

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Today my long day of hospital orientation definitely brought me back to the days of 2 hour long lectures taken back to back all day. As sad as I was to graduate, I do not miss those boring days. Imagine your most boring class dragged on for 7 hours, with a few 15 minute breaks sprinkled in. That was today.

I made sure to prepare breakfast last night as I knew I would be up and at it early this morning.

Overnight oats yummy yummy in my tummy.

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Yay for more jam from Target!

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I even chopped up my nectarine last night this morning at 1 a.m. for easy access. Yes 1 a.m. The same time I also mixed in more oil to my maple peanut butter becuase I couldn’t stop thinking about how dry and flaky it was.

I obviously have been having a hard time falling asleep. No offense air mattress.

Actually yes. You should take offense.

I felt like I was betraying this mug by drinking coffee out of it. It looks like a tea type of mug.

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How quaint.

I made sure to pack snacks for my break. Am I the only person in the world to get hungry during break time? No one else brought snacks.

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I’m sure they were all envious of me crunching my way through Kashi cereal and some cocoa roasted almonds. Plan ahead people.

Lunch was actually pretty awesome! They had many sandwich options, including turkey on a croissant and a roasted veggie one. I chose the veggie and ate outside.  It was so warm out today, and freeeeezing indoors!

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It was kinda greasy. But oh well.

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Sorry for the odd glare. I also grabbed a couple pieces of fruit (instead of chips) and stashed them in my purse for future consumption 😉 Budget planning my friends.

I went back and snagged a really good peanut butter cookie on second thought.

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+ 2 sodas. Oh darn.  Does it help that I drank one 2 hours after the first?

But I did get out on a run! So happy I did 🙂 I don’t know if it was the time of day, that it was still warm out, or what – but it was hard!

Pre-run I had a couple bites of nut butter:

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It was one of those runs I felt like I was going pretty fast, but when I looked down at my watch, I was barely going below 10 minute miles. What? I hadn’t even walked yet! I wanted to go 4-5 miles, but ended up stopping at 3 and decided to walk a mile rather than head home right away.

Distance: 3 run + 1 walk = 4
Time: 28:38 for the run; 46:23 for the whole thing.

I got a phone call from a friend during my walk, so I came home and decided to have a snack rather than dinner just in case my friend wanted to grab a bite to eat.

Canteloupe sprinkled with peanut flour.

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This melon was super ripe and soft! I got all the way down to the rind!

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But then decided to just make dinner soon after.

1 egg + 2 egg whites cooked up with the seasoned potatoes with herb butter sauce (that sounds fancy).

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Tupperware the potatoes were stored in. Classy, I know. But it saves dishes.

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I topped it with this mango chutney I’ve been using on almost everything.  Costco – will you marry me?

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And another bite of chocolate hazelnut butter to kill my after dinner sweet tooth.

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Ok ok, I know nut butters are a healthy fat. But there is such thing as too much! I’ve been going crazy with all my delicious nut butters in the cabinet (especially my new maple PB). I really think I’m going to give myself a challenge.

No, I’m not going to deny myself of nut butters completely. But I am going to measure out my portions for a week. And limit myself to 1 serving per day. That can be split up however I want – 1 Tbsp at breakfast, and 1 Tbsp at night. 2 Tbsp all at once or 1 tsp every few hours. Who knows. I’ll just total 2 Tbsp at the end of the day max. It’s expensive, and I think I need a detox from it.

Now I’m tired. Yawn. I have my long 8:30-8:30 day tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep!

Hey air mattress. Yeah, I’m lookin’ at you.

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It’s on.

Once I fold my clothes, that is.

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I’m floatin’ on a high…a runner’s high!! 😀

5 reasons my run was awesome this morning:

  1. 10.5 miles. Yes…10.5 miles! My longest since pre-injury (April 2009).
  2. They were some awesome 10.5 miles. I felt like I was flying. Except for the last 2 (when my legs were starting to die) and miles 6-7 (when I was parched and thirsty), I felt great! So impressed that I felt that great since this was my first week back running in a month.
  3. No side cramps!! Okay…I had one itsy bitsy side cramp that went way super fast. But that’s a great improvement.
  4. I finished in 1:43.50.  That’s an average of 9:53 per mile which I’m very happy with.  On these long runs, I’m not necessarily concerned with pace.  I just try to stay under 10 minute miles.
  5. Water never tasted so good after my run.

A runner’s high my friends. Love this.

5 things I couldn’t wait to do after my run:

  1. Drink water.
  2. Sit down – my legs were shot.
  3. Guzzle some H2O.
  4. Collapse.
  5. Chug all the agua in the world.

5 things I need to buy (random…but I thought about it on my run):

  1. New running shoes. I’m not sure how many miles mine have on them. I think around 300. But no chances! Unforunately, I’m not sure where that money’s going to come from…
  2. Yogurt. I ate the last of it today.
  3. New nut butter. I’m using up all my expensive fancy schmancy butters. And I need to spare them.
  4. Some type of fuel for runs – I had nothing to bring with me today. Unless I wanted to cart around eggs, a quesadilla, or a frozen Kashi meal with me.
  5. A new Ipod arm band – mine smells. No. It reeks. And it’s nasty. I’ve had it for a good 3 years now.

5 things I ate today:

1. Pre-run cinnamon raisin Ezekiel (the last one. Sad face).

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Half with Nuttzo, half with Justin’s chocolate hazelnut.

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2. Post run vanilla yogurt mixed with Kashi Golean, canteloupe, and peanut flour. Originally my breakfast, but I decided it was too heavy and would probably give me cramps. Good choice Taylor!

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With a big ol’ scoop of nuttzo. And 2 rando chocolate covered blueberries. I wanted to see how they’d taste in there.

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3. Pesto chicken wrap thingy (not sure if it’s a quesadilla, wrap, or what Costco calls it. I got rid of the box). The middle was still cold, might I add. I was late for nannying.

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4. Gardenburger portabella burger. Topped with mango chutney. longside some steamed potatoes with a herb butter sauce.

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I wish I could say I made those potatoes, but alas. I cannot. They came from this bag (bought with a coupon!).

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Yes, I had time to cook today. But I have nothing to cook (besides plain pasta and sauce). I’m trying to eat out what I have before I really shop. And besides, I don’t have much dinner foods since I’ve been eating dinner at work mostly.

5. Bites and nibbles – apple slices & grape tomatoes while at work. Oh and a salad so pathetic at dinner, it hid from the camera. I’m talking romaine lettuce + brown dressing pathetic. At least it wasn’t just plain lettuce.

5 Things I Drank Today!

  1. Water (if you didn’t get that from earlier).
  2. 2 BIG glasses of Diet 7-up. Soda just tastes so much better after a long run.
  3. Vitamin water, which I thought had caffeine in it. But nope.
  4. Cawwwwfeeee.
  5. A little after dinner treat of Mocha Kahlua + a splash of almond milk.

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Sorry my had had to uglify this picture. My roommate had some of this and I’ve always wanted to try the mocha flavor. All it did was make me tired. Snoooooze.

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Hello hello hello! So it looks like we got the place we wanted – good price, semi-remodeled, and decent size! Only downside is, we can’t move in until the 19th of September. Whattt??? Luckily my old roommate is letting me rent out the small room office downstairs until then.

This is where I’ve been living for the past 6 days, and where I’ll be living for the next 3 1/2 weeks (I guess…):

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Yay for air mattresses! :-/ Actually it’s a pretty comfortable one.

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Ok ok when I found out I’ll be staying for longer than a week, I definitely knew it was time to reorganize a bit.

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I moved down with only suitcases and what would fit into my car. My dad’s coming down later with all the big stuff (mattress, bedframe, dresser, etc). So I’ll be living out of my suitcases for a while. I also left quite a few things at home (shoes, some clothes, dvds?) that I’m sad I won’t have for 3 more weeks!

Oh well, at least we have a place to move into 🙂

Today was a day off. And I’ll admit. I was slightly bored.

I took advantage of my free time to make oatmeal for breakfast.

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Topped with raspberry jam, and 2 special types of nut butters.

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(I kept adding more jam as I ate my way through the bowl. I LOVE jam on oats!)

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These beauties:

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“Wait Taylor. Aren’t you on a tight budget?”

Why yes. Yes, in fact I am. However I have 2 legitimate excuses reasons for my posession of these guys.

1. I bought the Nuttzo on a great sale about 3 months ago. Before I was on my uber tight budget. It’s just been chillin’ in my pantry making friends with the soup cans and pasta.

2. I also bought the Justin’s on sale (30% off holla!!). Plus I give myself a certain amount to spend per week. And this week, I chose to spend some of it on Justin’s.

So that’s that. I’ll get to my reviews on how I like the products later. Another time, another place blog post.

Later I had some egg white salad in a wrap.

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Munched on some celery & cream cheese, and then spent a good portion of the afternoon feeling sick. Weak, heavy headed, slightly nauseous – almost hungover. But I wasn’t, I swear. I might have had 2 glasses of champagne last night at a friend’s going away party! But nothing to induce a hangover. Right?

I planned to do a long run tonight and this wasn’t lookin’ good. I updated my ipod

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and drank some iced coffee

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Hoping it would help motivate me. I got out the door and wish I could say went on a miraculously great long run! But alas – it was difficult. Heavy legs, hearburn, crazy crazy side-cramps. I definitely stopped and walked A TON, but ended up finishing:

Distance: 6.02 miles

Time: 58:25

Happy that I kept below a 10 minute mile pace even with all the walking.  I’ll have to do a longer run possibly Friday?

Dinner was quick and easy. I tried a new find:

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Not too small. But I definitely see they skimp on the cheese.

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I might have cooked it in a pie pan since there are no baking sheets in the house.  (Hey! At least now you can see exactly how big it is!)

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While it was cooking I had a gourmet simple salad. I know (healthy) fatty dressings are good for you, especially to absorb your nutrients! But I do love this Trader Joe’s dressing. Plus I got my fat’s worth in half an avocado 😉

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Simple? That’s an understatement.

I wish I could say this pizza tasted like the real deal.

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But it had barely any flavor. The veggies were watery. And as you saw – where was the cheese?

Sorry TJ’s, but there are way more tasty and healthy pizzas out there! Reduced guilt? More like reduced taste.

At least my after dinner treat made up for it!

I headed out to pick up some band-aids (I’ve gotten some mad blisters walking around at work!), and decided to pick up some froyo. Stoked it was cake batter – my fave! Sprinkled with oreo crumbs and a drizzle of chocolate sauce.

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And picked up a Redbox movie – Chloe. Which I’m watching now. And it’s SUPER weird. Don’t get it. Whatever you do. I almost want to demand my $1.09 back.  I am on a budget after all.

PHEW. What a post. Tomorrow I start my new nannying job and then head straight to the hospital job. Laterzzz peeps.

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