
Posts Tagged ‘Books’

We’ll start out with my favorite corny joke from when I was little:

Q: Why did the dog jump in the puddle? (answer at bottom 😉 )

My swim yesterday felt great!

  • 800 freestyle
  • 2 x 600 pulling (1 with hand paddles)
  • 2 x 200 IM
  • 100 freestyle
  • 2 x 75 pulling fast
  • 150 free cool-down

Total: 2800 yards (112 laps for you non-swimming folks 😉 ) in 50 minutes

I felt pretty good, especially considering I’ve only swam once or twice all summer!  I had originally planned to do 4 IMs, and another pulling set at the end to get me up to 3400 yards, but I was getting tired & had a massive headache (stupid swim cap!!).  Afterwards, I changed into a more “tanable” suit (aka a bikini rather than a one piece speedo!) to lay out and read a bit, during which I finished the book Just Friends.


It was pretty good!  Preditable ;-), but good.  I would recommend for a fun, chick-lit, “beachy” read!  I’m still working on Nineteen Minutes, but have been saving it for when I’m at the gym since it makes the time pass so much faster 😉 I also need to get started on Time Traveler’s Wife sometime soon!

So I have those 2 avocados and 4 ears of corn my mom sent me that were calling to be used.  So I decided on some type of avocado and corn salsa. Black beans also seemed like a necessity in this salad/salsa combination.  Unfortunately, my ears of corn had gone bad!  All slimy and sour smelling.  Blech!  Luckily I had a can of corn in the cupboard, but fresh would’ve been so much better!  I kind of just threw things together, but based it off of this Black Bean Salad recipe.


But basically I just combined:

  • 1 can drained corn
  • 1 can drained black beans
  • Approx 12 oz halved grape tomatoes
  • 1/2 chopped red onion
  • A couple handfuls chopped cilantro (I love cilantro!!)
  • Garlic paste
  • Drizzle of lime juice
  • 1 whole cubed avocado (which got completely mushy anyways)
  • Bunch of salt, pepper & a little bit of cumin

I think it had a bit too much corn in there in proportion to black beans.  Ahh well it was TASTY!!  But missing bit of spice/salt or something.  I’ll probably add more seasonings next time.  Now how many ways can I use this Black bean & corn salad/salsa?

For Friday night dinner, I spread some BBQ sauce on a Rudi’s 7 grain & flax tortilla, topped that with the salsa, and then sprinkled it with goat cheese to make a “pizza”.  Fresh out of the oven:


OH MAN OH MAN good!!!  I wish it had more goat cheese, but I’m almost out, and didn’t want to use it all! I must say, I could really get the wrap flavor in this (especially in the crispy end crust), and it was good! I really like the taste of this tortilla/wrap.  Some whole grain tortillas can have a weird taste (such as the La Tortilla brand), but I could really taste the unique flax flavor in these.  Yum!

Saturday morning I threw the corn salsa into my 2 egg white, 1 egg omelette:


Topped with a bit of Mexican 2% cheese & ketchup (of course).  I need carbs in the morning, so I also had 2 leftover blueberry pancakes on the side topped with a bit of PB & syrup.  I was just a bit too full after this monstrous baby!

Or you can use it as a plain salsa/dip, as I did for my tonight’s dinner!  It was the perfect combination with Food Should Taste Good sweet potato chips 🙂 I also opened up my box of Mary’s Crackers (in Caraway flavor) to try out.  Yum…these crackers are delicious!!


I also had another brie + tomato + basil toast:


All together (along with a spinach salad topped with feta & TJ’s Peanut Asian dressing):


Any other suggestions on ways to use up the rest of this salad/salsa dish?

On my way to work today I hit up Costco where I got an exciting sample (well, to me!).  Besides sampling a piece of a delicious veggie burger, a small piece of chocolate chip cookie, some Kashi honey sunshine cereal…I got to try a small bite of the Bear Naked granola bars! I’ve never seen these around!  New?


Mmmmm this was really really good.  Really sweet and gooey 🙂

I also quickly stopped at Trader’s where (ironically) their sample was a Roasted Corn & Tomato salsa! haha.  It literally tasted almost exactly like mine.  They had little recipe cards, so I picked one up, which read:

  • 1/2 jar TJ’s tomatoless corn salsa
  • 16 oz cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1 small avocado (optional)
  • 1 can black beans, drained (optional)
  • 2 cloves garlic (optional)

Pretty much the same thing as mine!  Were Trader’s & I on the same page, or what?!  They recommended using it on top of meat.

Other afternoon snacks included a butt-load of fruit! This plate:


+ 4 apricots & probs 8 oz of bluebs (ugh I don’t like that word – bluebs.  Remind me never to say it again).  Also a couple handfuls of cereal.  And some cottage cheese.  I get snacky at work.

After dinner I showed some self control overdid it on the froyo a bit.  I ended up eating a whole pint of my self-serve froyo I had stored in the freezer when I was still overly full from dinner.  It wasn’t a “binge”, but was definitely un-needed when I went back for seconds when I wasn’t even hungry for firsts.  But I could’ve done much worse and devoured the second container I have outside, so I guess that’s good?

In workout news, my boss recently bought the P90X fitness program, and was talking to me about it the other day.  She’s had the DVDs lying out recently, so I tried one out today (while the kiddies were napping!).  I’ve heard other great things about these DVDs, and MY GOODNESS it was hard!! I did the Chest, Arms & Shoulders DVD, and holy mackeroly.  It was ridiculous!  I thought I was relatively strong and in good shape, but I had to take so many breaks and my arms were literally shaking for a while afterwards.  I also finished off with the 15 minute ab ripper.  I’m seriously considering buying these DVDs, as I’ve been doing the same strength routine for years (yes, talk about a plateau), and this definitely breaks you out of a plateau.  Anyone else heard anything about these DVDs or tried them out yourself? Downfall is they’re pretty expensive.  But you DO get 13 DVDs!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful end to your weekends!!

A: He was a hot dog!

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He has been quite the busy man (or lady!) lately.  Between yesterday and today, I’ve received some mighty fun packages!

First Christina lent me a book she finished and recommended, Just Friends, which I’m stoked to start reading soon!  Thanks so much, girl!


Kathy’s Krackers in such interesting flavors: Salsa, savory, and apple cinnamon.  Yum!


Just as I was making dinner tonight, the doorbell rang again!  Too bad I didn’t receive this Rudi’s Organic Bakery box before I started dinner!  I would’ve totally used one of the yummy tortilla wraps!


And one last surprise that got my heart a flutterin’…Heart Thrive Bars!


Holy Moly I don’t think I’ve received this much mail/packages in a few days all year!  Thank you so much, and I look forward to trying everything out!  Be on the lookout for some reviews, my fellow blog friends 🙂

Other than opening boxes and packages, I’ve had a few more exciting eats and another hike.  Another hike?!?  Did I dare venture out after my last one?  Oh you betcha!

Pre-hike fuel was Custard Oats and cawwwfeeee.


Close up (so you can see the ooey chocolatey goodness that is Chocolate chip cookie dough PB):


In the mix:

  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 egg
  • Cinnamon & maple syrup

Once it was cooked I then mixed in 2 spoonfuls of Naturally More PB, then topped it off with more PB & a sprinkling of Kashi golean cereal.  I like my oatmeal rich & sweet 🙂 For some reason I’m not a fan of fruity oats.

Hike time! Knowing I won’t have a whole morning free to go on a hike for another few weeks, I decided Friday was a perfect day!  This time I chose a well-known hike at local Montana De Oro state park (about a 15 minute drive away).  There are tons of trails that go along the water here, but I chose Valencia Peak trail so I could get a great view.  Unfortunately, it was sucked in fog!

IMG_4123But still magnificent views, and really cool to be over the fog like that!



Closer down at the base of the trail, I had an ocean view!


It totaled about 5.8 miles in 2 hours, so it was a great hike!

Refueled afterwards with a Green Monster.


It blends in so well with the actual greens, I may as well be drinking the plant! 😉 Also had 3 apricots & a bowl of blueberries.

Dinner started out as a quesadilla, but then I realized George had been lonely lately, so I whipped him out for company.  Black bean veggie burger, 2% Mexican cheese, and green chilis in a WW tortilla.  (There were 3 wedges total)


With sour cream & BBQ sauce for dipping of course.

Snack later on consisted of Farmer’s Market strawberries, white nectarine & a juicy juicy apricot:


These apricots are beyond mushy and the sweetest ones I’ve had in my life.  I never want the season to end!

This morning, I hit up the gym before work to fit in:

  • 20 minutes stairmaster level 11-12
  • 20 minutes upper body weight machines
  • 15 more minutes stairmaster level 12
  • 15 minutes lower body strength from PT
  • Quick 5 minute ab sesh

I get so antsy and dripping sweat at that dang stairmaster, I decided to break it up today with weights in the middle.  It worked great!

Pre-gym eats – 2 Nature’s Path hemp plus waffles spread with PB, pumpkin butter, syrup, & a sprinkling of Cinnamon Raisin granola.


I really wanted to try out my new spelt English muffins, but was really craving waffles this A.M.  So waffles it was!

Post-gym eats (at work) – Okay, now I got to try out the spelt English muffins!  Half topped with laughing cow cheese, tomato & salt/pepper.  Half traditionally topped with Naturally Yours & sliced banana.


Yes…I brought my own jar of PB to work.  It’s because they have nasty reduced fat Jiff!  Blech!

I also snacked from this yum-o veggie platter:


And fruit overload of strawberries, blueberries, apricots, grapes, and a white nectarine.  I can’t let my delicious sweet fruit go bad!!

Oh and they also had this cake lying out:


Yes, I had a small sliver 😉 How could I possibly resist?!

So now how about that Rudi’s English muffin?  I loved it!  I’m pretty picky about the English muffins (surprisingly I don’t like Thomas ones because they’re too “flimsy”, thin, and get too toasty).  I like more dense, thick, chewy ones.  Which is exactly what this spelt one was like!  Pre-toasted, it seemed extremely dry and I was worried it would taste like chalk.  But toasted, it was great.

One downfall is only 2 grams of fiber, while many whole wheat ones have more (such as my beloved double fiber Oroweat).  And it doesn’t come pre-sliced!  But that’s not too much of a hassle.  Doesn’t take too long to slice it open!  😉 All in all, I really like them.

And major fail:


Coffee drippage on my white shirt while on my way to work!  Grrr…crossed fingers stain remover and soaking it will prevent staining!

I didn’t think I’d have another chance to post before the concert, but my sister isn’t coming into town now until tonight (she’s now about 45 minutes away).  She’s being a lazy butt-munch (yes, I really just said butt-munch) and didn’t want to get up early to drive down before I had to work.  So I was on my own for dinner.   Which was a ginormous massive salad (used almost a whole bag of spinach & a whole head of lettuce – it was that big) containing:

  • Sauteed onions
  • Black beans patty
  • Craisins
  • Feta cheese
  • TJ’s spicy Asian peanut dressing (LOVE this stuff!)
  • Sprinkled with flaxseed & peanuts


With a side of Food Should Taste Good sweet potato chips (these things are awesome!).


Mmmmm…yummy 🙂 I love this ginormo bowl:


Well I better get ready for my sister’s arival.  There may or may not be froyo on the menu tonight 😉 Have a great rest of your weekend my dear friends!!

Happy Blogiversary to this lady!

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There must have been a spider on my left arm last night because I woke up with 2 bites – one on the front, and one underneath by my armpit.  Ewwww.  Creepy!!

How is everyone’s week going?  I am so excited for this weekend because my sister is coming down to visit on Saturday, and then on Sunday we’re driving down to LA for the Keith Urban concert!!  I just downloaded his new CD on Itunes just a few days ago and really need to get on the ball listening to the songs.  I know most of his “popular singles”, but I don’t know most of his new CD at all!

Where did I last leave off with you all?  Oh that’s right…I was about to embark on a banana dessert making adventure! I threw 1 ½ frozen bananas into my fake “magic bullet”, which didn’t work out too hot.  Maybe my bullet wasn’t strong enough or something, but my bananas were not blending!  I ended up having to add a bit of milk (I used the coconut milk I recently bought to try out), kept having to scrape the sides, and ended up blending it for such a long time that I could smell my motor starting to burn!  Eeek!


I have to say, I was madly disappointed L Maybe it was the fact that I used coconut milk so it added a slight coconut taste, and I’m really not a fan of coconut taste at all (sorry everyone – it seems to be such the hot stuff on the blogs).  Or the fact that I used very overripe bananas (and I don’t like overripe bananas, either).  Or maybe it was because it was pretty melty after being blended for so long (and I don’t like melty froyo either).  Sheesh…do I like anything?! Haha.  But don’t let my experience turn you off, because I know everyone seems to think it is absolutely amazing!  So I’ll probably try it another time (minus the coconut milk!).  I ended up picking off all the chocolate chips and throwing the rest away.

Wednesday highlights:

I realized it had been a while since I’d had French toast! Topped with whipped cream cheese, Naturally More PB, syrup, and a sprinkling of Feed cinnamon raisin granola:


For dinner I used up my leftover quinoa, and stir-fryed some veggies with a chopped up Morningstar Chipotle Black Bean patty.  I got these patties in a huge box at Costco, and they’re like twice the size of the patties you buy in packs of 4 at the normal grocery store.  Mixed some 2% Mexican cheese in and topped it of with a drizzle of BBQ sauce for a finishing touch:


Yes, there’s quinoa under there somewhere!  It’s been a while since I’ve made a simple stir-fry!  I used to live off of them along with couscous last year!

I was insanely craving froyo later that night.  I admit that I’ve had problems overdoing it on ice cream and frozen yogurt for the past few months.  And by that I mean eating ridiculous amounts.  I finish off one bowl, go back for a second (because it’s so good), then a third, and by that point I’m almost to the end of the container so I might as well finish off that, right?  Um….not such a good idea.  Anyways, I was definitely craving the cake batter froyo I had in my freezer, so I decided it’s not wise to deny cravings (to a certain extent, of course!).  I probably didn’t need to top it off with extra chocolate sauce, a TJ’s peanut butter cup, Oreo cookie, and whipped cream (in addition to the brownies that were already frozen with the yogurt).


It was delicious!  But that’s where I overdid it a bit.  Whoops!


Early quick gym workout before I headed to physical therapy appointment numero dos.

  • 15 minutes stairmaster (level 11)
  • 20 minutes treadmill 4.3 mph 15% incline

We focused a lot more on strength during PT than last time.  He had me do 5 different strength exercises, one stretch move, and then an ultrasound.  I did ask him about incorporating running back in, and he said to hold off.  He’s had me warm up by using the stationary bike, and said that next time we’d work up to the elliptical and see how that feels.  I told him I’m already doing the stairmaster a lot, and have been doing slight running on a treadmill lately with only slight and little bit of pain.  I’m still not as impressed by this place as I was by the one back home I went to for my calf last year.  At the other place, they watched me walk and stand to analyze if I overpronated, how my ankles rolled inward, etc.  They didn’t do any of that at this place, which may likely play a part in my knee problems.  Besides all of that, I definitely got a lower body workout there today!

Had a little extra time between PT and work, so I grabbed some crack an iced Americano.


Blech!  This thing tasted almost of pure water!!  People, people!  Americanos are supposed to taste strong because it’s espresso!

As for lunch, I’m so sick of quick frozen meals (but I have so many in my freezer because of cheap deals & convenience).  However today I had no time to make anything else.  So I grabbed the last of my cottage cheese, strawberries & blueberries, and bagged up a mix of cereal – TJs high fiber twigs, & Nature’s Path multigrain flakes:


Having a party all mixed together now…


I proceeded to spend most of the day reading my book Nineteen Minutes, which is really, really good.  I’m already more than halfway done after having only read it for two days.  I gotta say, Jodi Picoult’s books are hit or miss.  Some have been ridiculously page-turning (like this one and Change of Heart), while some have been a bit slower, but still excellent reads (like My Sister’s Keeper. I really enjoyed that book, but it took me a while to get into it).

Thursday nights = Farmer’s Market!! Even though I still have apricots left from Costco, I knew I needed to restock on these apricots at got at Farmer’s last week.  They are the best ones I’ve had in my life.  Hands down.  $9 later, I walked back to my car with a 1.5 pounds of apricots, 3 white nectarines, a peach, and a basket of strawberries.


Check out this odd man out!


Extra tasty, I’m sure! 😉

Didn’t get great deals, but summer fruit at Farmer’s is the sweetest thing around.  Can’t pass it up!  Helped myself to samples while there as well – tons of pita bread & hummus bites (favorite stand ever!  They just stuff pita bread & hummus in your face!), handful of candied almonds, and some fruit.  I also got these 2 lovelies, which I saved for later:


Was supposed to be Rhubarb pie & ollalieberry crumble. But that’s lookin’ more like apple pie to me, no?  Unless that’s what rhubarb pie looks like.  Honestly, I’ve never had it!

Ready for my next book review? I know you’ve all been on the edge of your seat waiting for it!  😉  I’ll make it quick since I’m one tired lady!

I recently finished The Queen’s Fool by Philippia Gregory (author of The Other Boleyn Girl).  This book follows a young girl, Hannah, who escaped the Inquisition in Spain and is now living in England.  She has the “sight” (is able to see the future on occasion) and ends up working as a fool at the court of King Edward (Henry VIII son – you know, the guy who beheaded all those wives?).  She gradually gets drawn into working as a spy to try and bring Princess Mary (aka Bloody Mary) to the throne, and eventually works with her sister Elizabeth.  Throughout the book, Hannah must also deal with her love towards her master, while also being betrothed to her cousin.

I found it to be a great read!  My sister is extremely interested in much of historical London royal stories, and she gave me a brief history lesson on it all when we went to London a couple summers ago.  So it’s interesting to read about those historical figures, especially when you’ve visited their actual old stomping grounds!  Personally, I liked The Other Boleyn girl a lot more (if you’ve seen the movie – read the book! It’s so much better).  This one was good, but I got kind of tired of it about 3/4 of the way through.  It was getting slightly repetitive.  Recommend it?  Yup!  But I overall recommend this author.

Grade: A-

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday (I’m posting this late late Thursday night, so I know you’re all reading it on a Friday!).  Any special plans this weekend? Like I said, mine include work, sister date, roadtrip and concert!!

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So I oviously love to read.  Not having much time during the school year, I’m taking full advantage this summer (especially since one of my nanny jobs is really boring and I pretty much just sit on my booty all day long!).  I decided to let you all know what books I’m currently reading and give quick reviews on them!


I finished Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner last weekend.  13 years after her other novel, Good in Bed, takes place, this novel follows the same main character, Cannie, as she struggles with her rebellious teenage daughter and planning her bat mitzvah; struggles with her writing career; and her relationship with her husband and his desire for a new baby.  The novel switches back and forth from Cannie’s point of view to Joy’s point of view.  Throughout, Joy struggles with her own identity and discovering things about her mom’s past that she finds confusing, new, and betraying.

I have to agree with Ms. Hangry Pants who said that while she enjoyed it, it wasn’t her favorite of Jennifer Weiner’s books.  It was a good book, that I never found boring or bad.  But it wasn’t as page-turning or funny as I found her other books to be.  I often times got frustrated while reading it because I just wanted to tell Cannie to lighten up and stop being such a controlling mother, or tell Joy to stop being such a snotty daughter!  All around?  I would recommend this book as a an okay read, but I wouldn’t rave about it.

Grade: B-


This next book, Pledged, by Alexandra Robbins, I finished in a mere 3 days!  The author of this book went undercover for a year researching sororities, and roughly followed 4 girls’ lives throughout the school-year.  There were also random more “factual” sections written throughout the book that covered sorority information in general – from facts, interviews the author conducted, researched information, etc.  Written as a narrative, it reads as a page-turning novel.  I found much of the firsthand accounts and stories appalling, but unsurprising, as it generally reconfirmed the typical sorority/fraternity stereotypes.  Then again, I still wonder and have doubts about whether that stuff actually occurs at most schools (mine included!).  It was an interesting read, and obviously page-turning (since I finished it so quickly!), but I found some of the informative information a bit too informative for a fun read!

Grade: B+

I just started The Queen’s Fool by Philippa Gregory today, and I’m currently working my way through Intuitive Eating, a book all about rejecting the diet mentality and creating a healthy relationship with food!  So stay tuned for reviews on those books!


The weekend so far has been full of sun, pool & ice cream!

Thursday night’s snackage after the 3 1/2 hour drive:


Mud Pie ice cream (yes – it is the god of all ice creams).  I admit I way overdid it on the ice cream last night and ended up with a tum-tum ache.  It is so hard to control myself around big containers – it’s why I like to have smaller containers of extra rich ice cream around (think Ben & Jerrys) because then I only take a few bites at a time versus 2 or 3 bowls!  Which I did last night.  My 2nd bowl contained some of this:

IMG_3882-1Sooooooo good!!! I’m not a big mint ice cream fan – but this stuff is awesome!  Swirls of thick fudge omz.

Then yesterday morning I woke up to my mom making cookies.  I helped myself to a good 3 cookies worth of dough, plus chocolate chips, and more cookies through the afternoon.  I know it’s all good things in moderation, and not to feel guilty about overdoing it, but I had a bad stomach ache all day from last night and today’s cookie extravaganza.  I know I can’t eat like this ALL weekend!

I did a quick gym trip in the AM before we met mi madre for Costco.  It was:

  • 34 minutes treadmill run/walk intervals (including warmdown)
    • 20 minutes total of running (slow 5.5-6 mph)
    • Rest walking 4-4.3 mph

Then it was fruit snackage all day + a bunch of these guys at Costco:


“Veggie” sticks?  HA!  Pretty much just like potato chips in stick form. 😉

Still feeling weird and bloated from recent eats, I opted for a small(ish) dinner of sun dried tomato sausage with grilled onions & BBQ sauce for dipping.  Plus a salad creation on the side.


Spinach salad loaded with strawberries, goat cheese, onions, dried cinnamon apple chips, craisins & TJ’s pear gorgonzola dressing.


These apple crisps are delicious and great in salads!

I’m pretty sure I ate a whole onion between my salad and grilled.  I love me some onions :-D!  Good thing I’m staying in 😉

Where’s the bread, you may ask?  Not having any buns handy, I didn’t really feel the bread.  I got plenty of healthy carbs in my 329750385 portions of fruit throughout the afternoon and during dinner.  And this was perfectly satisfying and filling for how I felt last night!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July!!  I love the 4th!  Or I just love the idea of it – parades, BBQs, parties, fireworks…we’re heading ng to the parade soon 🙂 I hope everyone has a great one and I’ll be back to recap my patriotic day latazz!

Also, Ms. Fit & Fabulous is having a quenching giveaway.  Check it out!

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Well the beach was a bust!  10 minutes into our drive on the freeway we entered a sucked in warp of pure fog!!  What’s the point of living 15 minutes away from a beautiful scenic tanning spot when it’s foggy all summer long?  We turned around and tanned in our own backyard 🙂 Where I caught up on some reading:


Nothing like trashy Cosmo on a hot sunny day!

I’m just starting the book Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner (author of the book In Her Shoes – ever seen the movie with Cameron Diaz??).  I recently finished the book Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult.  WOW this book was good.  I highly recommend it.  It’s about a guy who murders a lady’s husband and daughter and gets sentenced to death.  11 years later, the lady’s daughter needs a heart transplant, and the murderer wants to give his heart to her when he dies.  While on death row, he also starts performing miracles similar to Jesus, and it starts a whole faith/spiritual questioning conflict thing to arise as well.  Was really good, I’m tellin’ ya!

Speaking of Jodi Picoult, anyone going to see My Sister’s Keeper in theaters?  I read that book as well, and my roommate and I are seeing the movie tonight!

Soaking up the rays while lying on a towel really took it out of me, and I got haaangry. Green Smoothie time!!


In the mix:

  • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • Frozen mango chunks
  • Stuffed full of kale/chard mix
  • Ground flaxseed
  • Scoop of PB

Topped off with some granola.  It was my first time trying it out with kale/chard rather than spinach (TJ’s was out yo) and with PB rather than almond butter.  It tasted a lot more “grassy” than with spinach (but not in a bad way!) and I couldn’t taste the PB at all, while I could always taste the almond butter.  But it was still refreshingly tasty!

I also had a little munchy snack a little later on:


Dipped into this garlic & spice cucumber yogurt dip.  It reminded me of a thicker tzatziki.

Dinner was a major fail. I started to make a quesadilla, which became a pizza quesadilla, which became a huge flop when it wouldn’t flip in the pan, which became an open faced mess of sauce, cheese, sauteed onions, chopped up chicken burger, & guacamole on a soggy tortilla.  It was still good though – but left me stuffed to the brim!  I finished over an hour ago and I’m still stuffed!

Well I better get ready for our night on the town.  Okay…just the movie, and then we might head to a few bars afterwards just to make an appearance (and say hi to a couple friends!).

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