
Archive for September, 2010

The reason I only had 1 spoonful of ice cream last night was because I find that sometimes eating ice cream late at night causes me tummy aches in the morning.

Yet, I still woke up bloated and burpy (when I say burpy, I mean I feel like I have burps stuck in my chest. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with my acid reflux/stomach issues). Perhaps it was the late night plain yogurt that did it to me? haha.

Anyways, it was hard to scarf down food when I already felt pressure and full. But I needed to before my long run!

2 pieces of Ezekiel cinnamon raisin with a special nut butter, vanilla-pear butter, and a whole giant banana (I ate the rest of the ‘naner separate).

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I had to break into this jar of almond butter, I swear!!!

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The only nut butter I had open was my chocolate hazelnut butter, and I really wasn’t feeling that on cinnamon toast. This Justin’s maple almond butter was bought on super sale, and meant to be saved for a while.

Oh well.

Anyways, on to my run. My legs felt dead the whole time. From mile 1, all the way until the end. Tired tired legs.

My whole left side was also screaming at me. My left knee had a slight pain. My left butt cheek occasionally had a sharp pain. And towards the end, the bottom of my left foot was aching. WTF left side – what was your deal?? ย Cardio wise, I felt fine! ย Never gasping to dying for air.

Don’t worry, I didn’t push through any horrible pain. And if I hurt later on or on my next run, I’ll rest up. But I am worried I need new orthotics and that was the cause of my left foot pain. Oh the joys of money.

I decided to cut my run short at 11.5 (I wanted to do 12), but after a short break on a bus stop bench, I decided I could push through another .5 mile easily enough. 12 it was!

Distance: 12 miles
Time: 1:53.05
Average: 9:25

  • 1 – 8:38
  • 2 – 9:13
  • 3 – 9:13 (I’m so damn consistent, I can’t stand it)
  • 4 – 9:26
  • 5 – 9:08
  • 6 – 10:01 (bummer. So close)
  • 7 – 8:55 (woah missy!)
  • 8 – 9:59
  • 9 – 9:49
  • 10 – 9:27
  • 11 – 9:51
  • 12 – 9:22

During, I fueled with my usual peach rings (I had 4 at mile 5.75), and a new find I got on sale at Target.

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I brought along 2 little balls, and had 1 at mile 8, and another at mile 10.

These were actually pretty tasty. Stats:

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I do feel that their recommended amounts per hour are a bit high though:

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I really felt like a post-run beer.

Unfortunately it was 10:43 am.

Fortunately, I didn’t really care.

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Yes – before 11 am. It is Thirsty Thursday, after all. I actually only drank half if that makes any difference.

A 12 mile run also deserves a long awaited pumpkin spice light frappie. Especially since I had a giftcard.

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Sidenote: $4.35 for this thing? Are you kidding me?!?!? That’s a bit ridiculous.

Too sweet. Less pumps next time.

For lunch, all I really wanted was leftover pumpkin bread pudding. (BTW – I’ve totally been picking at this all week unpictured. It’s bomb). But I knew I needed more substance to my lunch.

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I’m not sure why I added more bread and some chocolate filled crisps and called that substance.

On second thought, I added some feta to the hummus bread.

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Mmmm pumpkin pie bread pudding.

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At work I snacked on some of my new favorite granola.

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And then ran some errands. Guess what’s right next door to the bank?

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That’s right. It was pretty small – only $1.50 worth of yogurt. I honestly thought about not posting about this…WHAT?!?! Why should I be ashamed that I had a frappie in the morning and froyo in the afternoon? I shouldn’t. And I’m not. It was delish!

More snackage. Or dinner appetizers. However you want to look at it.

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With ketchup and hummus for dippage.

Once I awoke from a glorious nap, all intentions of making lasagna went out the window. Something easy instead was required.

Whole wheat sweet potato gnocchi with pumpkin pasta sauce and some feta cheese. I thought about adding veggies to the mix, but nixed the idea. It’s a good thing I had those carrot fries. And that pumpkin definitely counts as a vegetable.

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Come here my little pretty.

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The sauce was phenom. The gnocchi was blah. No sweet potato flavor at all.

I’m now enjoying a cup of cookie dough coffee at 8:00 pm. Why? Because, like I said. It’s Thirsty Thursday. And I don’t work at 6 am tomorrow like I do the rest of the weekend.

Therefore – a great reason to go out on the town.

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๐Ÿ™‚ x2

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๐Ÿ˜ฆ x3597035789307079357

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I seriously just wasted 2 hours of my life with stupid DISH network. So excuse me if this blog post doesn’t have much…substance.

Actually, as I was transferring pictures from my phone to my computer, every picture accidentally got deleted off my phone. EVERY. PICTURE.

Before they were all imported to my computer.


I can’t believe that. You guys didn’t get to see the return of pumpkin in my oats or my In n’ Out veggie burger (which was amaze by the way).

Nor do I get to show you Big Ben Barbie that I saw at Target.

I accidentally snapped 2 pictures with my computer webcam. They’re highly attractive, I must say.

This is about how I feel just now.


Wow. My life is complete.


Good night.

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I’m Meltingggggg

I awoke at 9:42. Yes. You read that right. 9:42. All hear the angels sing and the heavens part. I got to sleep in today!!

What with a 58-hour a week work schedule, 6 am weekend shifts, and long runs going on – I don’t get much sleeping in time.

It felt good.

I still wanted to get a run in, however, so breakfast was small and easy.

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At first I planned to go 6 miles. But it was hot out there. 90s for sure. So I dropped it down to a 5 mile loop, and I was okay with that.

I told myself I would give myself a walk break every mile to drink some water. When I realized it would be more like every 1/2 mile, I was definitely okay with that. I was literally parched (as in dying in a dessert parched) every 1/4 of a mile. So 1/2 mile stretches were tough enough.

I definitely did more walking though and stopped in the shade a few times to rest. I was okay with that.

And when I started getting nauseous around mile 3.5, I increased my walk breaks, and seriously thought I would have to walk home from there. But I ran a bit, walked a bit, walked a bit, then ran a bit – until I got to 4 miles. Then I walked the rest of the way home. I’m pretty sure it was 4.6 miles total (with the .6 mile walking chunk at the end).

I was more than okay with that. I was happy with that. Sometimes you need to know when to push yourself, and when you’ve pushed yourself enough. I was just happy I got out there.

Did you know it peaked at 110.9 degrees today?!?! You don’t understand – that is unheard of here. SO HOT.

Before the run – nervous, yet confident to get out in the blazing heat.

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Spot the difference? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I was literally melting as I foam rolled. My skin felt like it was dripping off. Pleasant, I know.




I was then in a rush rush rush to get to work! Grabbed a quick snack.

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Ooozing goozing (ew what a gross word) PB.

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2:30 – get off babysitting.

Drive home. Change. Grab a quick lunch.

2:50 – drive to my other job.

In a mad rush I ate a pesto chicken quesadilla wrap.

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A handful of trail mix.

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And a ginormous apple, that literally weighs a pound. (It was .88 cent/lb for apples. I bought 3. My total was $2.50 for them. You do the math).

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Work was hot, but not nearly as hot as this weekend. Although the tile floor did crack from the heat. I stepped on a lump, looked down, and the floor was literally erupting – almost like an earthquake had split it. Crazy.

Salad bar never fails. + brown rice pilaf. I felt so healthy eating this dinner. I loved it.

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I ended up dumping my rice into the salad.

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And you know night time snacks are a necessity.

Here we have some nasto-o looking thing.

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But as usual, quite delicious. Cinnamon baked apples mixed with yogurt & applesauce.

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And please don’t ask why I’m drinking hot chocolate when it’s still 77 degrees outside, and I don’t have a window to open in my room. Nor a fan to blow artificial breezes in my direction.

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I’m crazy.

Any good recipes using applesauce?? I have an abundance of it since I bought a big ol’ 32 oz container to use 1/2 a cup to make the bread pudding (which is soooooooooo good!).

Must. Use. Up. Applesauce.

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Sweetie Pie

Tonight my friends put a little putluck together. Right away I knew I wanted to make this bread pudding. Knowing I would be working from 6 am – 5/6:00 pm, I prepared most of it last night.

I toasted up 8 pieces of bread. The recips calls for 5, but my bread slices were super tiny!! Only 50 calories per slice to give you a better picture. I bought the cheapest bread at Walmart! That might explain it.

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While they were toasting up, I whisked the rest of the ingredients

  • Milk (3/4 cup 2% milk, 3/4 cup almond milk. I didn’t want to use up tons of my almond milk ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
  • 3 eggs
  • Pumpkin (used in place of sweet potato)
  • Pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt

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Cut up bread and put in baking dish!

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I baked the bread pudding at my friend’s house so it would be fresh and hot just in time for dessert!

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My whole day wasn’t sweet-tastic. But much was.

Breakfast was sweet. Awesomely sweet.

Yogurt + peanut flour + maple syrup sweet. Cereal + banana + nectarine sweet. Jam sweet. Yummmmin sweet yummins.

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Mid-morning breakfast: some oatmeal, eggs, cottage cheese & COFFEE. Big and filling.

Therefore I wasn’t too hungry at lunch. Salad bar it was!

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Loaded with beets, feta, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese & Italian dressing.

I couldn’t help but grab this apple pie leftover from last night out of the fridge. I picked at half. ย Mostly the bottom crust. ย My favorite part.

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It was falling apart, so I figured they wouldn’t serve it to any patients. Right?!?! ๐Ÿ˜‰ SWEET.

Then that afternoon one of the chefs offered everyone some samples of desserts she was preparing. Um hello. How could I say no?

Delicious dense chocolate cake things. I had 1 1/2 small pieces. (Keep in mind these are small like 4-5 inch plates).

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And carrot cake.

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I rushed home after work, changed, and grabbed a snack on my way out the door to nannying.


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But nature sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

When I found out dinner wouldn’t be until 7:30 or 8:00 (dang – these people eat late!!), I knew I needed a snack. Leftover cheesy veggies I actually cooked up last night, but was too full to eat. Topped with hummus.

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And a big ol’ scoop of Nutzo.

At the potluck I had: (apologies for the horrible photos. Iphone camera + dim lighting doesn’t work out too well).

Couple handfuls of tortilla chips.

A sundried tomato breadstick

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Veggie pizza and fruit salad (this plate x2)

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Can’t forget the sweets – dessert. ย PIE!! Oh pie. If I had known someone else was supplying dessert I wouldn’t have made mine.

Just kidding. Obviously I love every excuse to bake sweets.

Banana cream(!!)

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Chocolate cream pie, and of course pumpkin bread pudding. And vanilla ice cream to top it all off.

You know what my plate looked like ๐Ÿ˜‰

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I actually only ate the crust off the chocolate cream pie. It had coconut in it – not a fan.

So. Full.

If I’m not careful, I’m gonna turn into a sweetie pie soon.

Oh who am I kidding….I already am one ๐Ÿ˜‰

PS: everyone really liked the bread pudding. ย I was so happy! ย I feel like pumpkin and bread pudding are both hit and miss with people. ย Make it!

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Running Peep Show

Today the temps reached over 100. For San Luis Obispo – a coastal town that averages 70 year round, that is crazy hot.

It was probably 20 degrees hotter than that in the kitchen at work. I do not lie.

I had a delicious yogurt bowl at 5:30 this morning.

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Mixed with a nectarine, Trader Joe’s high fiber cereal, and a big ol’ scoop of Nutzo.

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Breakfast #2 at 9:00.

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+ a banana muffin.

I wasn’t very hungry only 2 hours later for lunch. So I got steamed carrots and a wrap that I could eat part of and save the rest for later.

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It was a Greek turkey wrap with turkey, veggies, and feta cheese. It was a bit dry so I topped it with some caesar dressing at work, and BBQ sauce at home.

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These wraps are massive.

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I then ran a few errands and picked up some groceries to make dessert for a potluck tomorrow. Vons had a deal going on if you buy 5 specific items, you save $5. Doing so made this $2.79. And I knew I had to have it.

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A small taster.

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It makes the perfect pre-run snack if I do say so myself.

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Soon after I put on some running shorts I’ve actually never worn. I love them because they’re embroidered with the date and race of my marathon. Yet I got them on super sale the year after.

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However, I’ve never worn them because they’re see-through. You can see the panty liner through the light pink fabric. Today I said “MEH” and sported them anyway. Take a good look boys!!

3.1 miles later I was a hot sweaty mess. It was still WAY hot outside at 7:00. Crazy. Now our summer weather hits us! My run wasn’t the greatest, but I was happy I made it out after such a long day.

I really wasn’t hungry the rest of the night. I was actually feeling rather bloated. A hot meal and veggies might not have been the best choice. But too late now.

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I cooked up a can of green beans (note to self: by the salt added next time! These were bland), along with pasta sauce. Layered it over a salad, topped with feta cheese, a small scoop of pesto and 2 tortellinis that my roommate was cooking up.

You also best believe that I couldn’t end my night without some of this action.

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How can I buy a container of ice cream and ignore it on the very first night? I mean, feelings would be hurt and grudges might develop.

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Just call me McSnackster

TGIF, eh? Actually Wednesdays are technically my Fridays. Kind of. Here’s how my work schedule looks:

Sat & Sun: 6 am-2:30 pm hospital shift
Mon-Wed: 3-8 pm hospital shift

So Thursday and Friday are my “weekend” days off from the hospital. But since I nanny every day – I guess I don’t have a weekend exactly?

I actually totaled it up and I worked 58 hours this week from last Saturday-Friday (today). Phew!

The house and my room are also slowly coming together – I’ll give you a tour once it’s all finished!

Yesterday (Thursday), I didn’t nanny until 10 am (my usual time is 8:30), so I decided to get up early and do my long run beforehand. Ambitious? Yes. But I knew I’d be happy later on in the afternoon.

Pre-run breakfast fail:

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Lesson learned: our toaster over is way stronger than our last one.

Much better ๐Ÿ™‚

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I saved the other half of the banana for mid-run fuel.

Well things didn’t go quite as planned.

I planned to do a 5 mile loop and stop by the house for fuel (aka half the banana), grab a few peach rings to go, and head out on another large loop in another direction.

I planned to do 12 miles.

I also planned to not have a mini mohawk going on.

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Let’s take a closer [blurry] look.

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It’s hard to tell, but I definitely had a little pointy action going on there.

Sometimes plans fall through. I ended up doing the originally planned 5 mile loop, with a ton of side streets added in. Good thing I brought 3 peach rings with me in my sports bra, because that’s all the fuel I got. Don’t worry, they were in a plastic baggy.

I also looked at my ipod clock at 8:35 while at mile 8.5. I wanted to be home by 9:00. That left me 25 minutes to get 3.5 miles in + cooldown. Not happening. I decided 2 more miles would do. Then I upped it to 2.5. Grand total?

Distance: 11 miles
Time: 1:43:00 (exactly!)
Avg pace:

Not the best run, not the worst. I’m definitely sore and tight in my hamstrings today. But I did rock my new shoes!! I’ve never had girly pink shoes. I’m so excited ๐Ÿ˜€

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Seriously got to me overnight from Zappos. Crazy. It’s funny how certain running things are automatic purchases in my book. I’m on such a tight budget now, and I would never ever spend $100 on most pieces of clothing or shoes. But if I need new running shoes? I have no problem digging out of my savings and laying down a 100 big ones. Okay, that’s a lie – I feel sad about spending all that money. But I don’t think twice about it. Oh the life of a runner.

Anyways, I enjoyed my banana post-run instead.

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Along with a blueberry bran muffin (splurge alert!! But so so good. I forgot how yummy these are). Spread with a bit of vanilla-pear butter frosting in the middle.

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(Please ignore the sponge in the background. But do make note of my hot pink coffee maker. Holllaaa).

I seriously snacked all morning at work. On a bunch of these:

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+ tons of apple slices, carrots, a handful of cereal, and much more I’m sure. Until I finally got to make myself a light lunch.

Chicken, feta, peanuts, cilantro, and some delicious apricot marinade/dressing found in the fridge.

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I came home and snacked on zucchini + hummus.

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I went through almost half the thing of hummus before switching to BBQ sauce for the remaining pieces.

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And a bit of afternoon delight chocolate fixings. See’s mocha flavored. One of muh faves.

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We finally set off for Farmer’s Market (one of the main reasons I’m so happy I get Thursday nights off from work!) a bit late, so it was pretty dark once we got food. Hence the “WTF-is-that-that-you’re-eating, Taylor? -It’s-so-dark-it-could-be-anything-and-I-want-to-see-the-deliciousness-that-is-your-meal” photo.


But what I’m not sorry about was how good this taco salad was – lettuce, rice, chicken, (extra) pico de gallo, sour cream, and a good amount of avocado. I also ate probably about 1/3 of the shell.

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All for $6. Sweeeeet deal. I was expecting them to say $8 or 9.

It wasn’t until after they already put it together did I think that there was probably lard in the refried beans – I thought they would have pinto or black. Oh well. I try to avoid non-vegetarian refried beans, but it’s not the the end of the world if I do eat it. But I’m attributing my stomach rumbles and troubles for the rest of the night to that.

This morning I had something waiting for me in the cupboard…..

A near-empty PB jar!

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Oh dear dear sweet vanilla cranberry PB, how I’ll miss you so. I was always super jealous of people who had a Super Target near them that stocked this PB. The second our Target became a Super Target last month, the first thing I looked for was this PB and PB&co peanut butter. They didn’t have this PB until a couple weeks ago, and I nearly squealed when I saw it in the aisle. Like I said – BEST PB EVER.

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The usual oat mix layered with jam, more jam on top, and a bit of granola.

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I took it all outside for better lighting. My new place isn’t the best in the morning! But really I ate at our kitchen table couch currently residing in the kitchen. We currently have 3 couches and no kitchen table. So 1 couch is currently chilling in the eating area.

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My foam roller adds a nice ambiance, yes?

At work I snacked on these babies:

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Little snails?

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And apples slices.

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Then I picked up a Vons Safeway (it will always be Safeway in my mind) sandwich while grocery shopping at work. Did I mention I love getting paid to occasionally grocery shop? Awesome.

Anyways, Vons and Safeway are both having a “Buy a sandwich get a free sandwich coupon” deal going on this week, so I obviously had to take advantage. I tried to wait until I got home to take a picture and eat. Really I did.

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But it didn’t happen.

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I did save about 1/4 of it for home though!

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Love this bread. I used to be one to get only whole wheat at delis – and it was usually bland sliced bread. Or I’d even get my sandwich on a flatout wrap. But seriously. If you’re paying for an amazing DELI SANDWICH get DELI SANDWICH bread. You’re paying for it!!

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I’m so happy I’ve evolved and realized what’s really important in life – AKA bread.

2 hours later, I might have eaten an apple the size of my head. Or hand.

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You saw this coming.

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I then babysat at night, where I seriously snacked the night away. I was hungry, but having no time to whip up a dinner, I kept grabbing snacks. Which led to unsatisfaction – I need meals!! – which led to more snacks. Please excuse the string of poor light photos – the lighting in their house isn’t the brightest.

Delicious pita chips – best flavor ever. I think it’s sea salt and cracked pepper?

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Pecan pralines – OMG good. From TJs.

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And fruit.

Then I saw this in the fridge.

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And I knew what my main “dinner course” would be.

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I hope she’s not as possessive over her Chobani as I would be. There were like 6 more in the fridge! Along with a scoop of PB. Love this type of peanut butter from Trader’s! I’ve only tried their normal PB in the past, but this was a valencia peanut butter. And delicious.

When I found out they would be 1 1/2 hours later than originally planned, I had a couple more snacks.

Odd. Random. Gross looking. Yum.

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Crackers & PB.

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And a “I’m here later than I thought, I might as well take advantage” drink.

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In some serious poor lighting.

I’m going on a week long soda cleanse starting tomorrow. I swear.

And because I still felt unsatisfied when I got home, I had a bowl mug of cereal.

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Strawberry yogurt cereal + shredded wheat + a tiny bit of Lucky Charms marshmallows. I don’t like going to bed on an empty stomach.

Well that was a long ass post. Sorry if you’re now snoozing on your keyboard or jumped off a cliff by now. But I need to be awake in 5 hours so goodnight!!

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BREAKING NEWS: I now have internet!! I even set it up without once calling my dad for help ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh the empowerment of such things.

And since it’s now Thursday, it’s only appropriate that I catch you up on the week’s adventures.

Monday morning started with toast on cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread.

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Then I headed out on what I wanted to be a 6 miler. But it was pretty warm when I set out. And I was thirsty. And the area I live now is pretty boring for running. My old house was near many different routes I could take, including many neighborhoods to wind in and out of. My new place is in a more commercial district and there’s really only 2-3 straight shot paths I can take. I did a loop that I’m sure will become a staple that ended up being 4.5 miles. Then tacked on another .5 mile at the end.

Distance: 5 miles
Time: 45:56
Avg pace: 8:59

BOOYA!!!! I definitely wanted to get below 9 minute miles and I did! Sure it might have been 8:59, but it’s below 9, which equals 8. No rounding up in my book. Since my injury, I’ve been running mainly 9-10 min mile pace, so I was happy. I guess there’s an upside to living around straight shot flat land, rather than giant hills.

I came back, fiddled with our new broken shower (which the landlord seems not to want to deal with), grabbed a quick lunch, and headed off to nannying.

PB&J never fails when in a hurry.

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Monday’s dinner at work was delicious. I love cauliflower. And this couscous was amaze.

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I also got a flat bread pizza, which I obviously didn’t need all of after the side entree of couscous. So I had one slice.

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And left room for dessert – S’mores pudding parfait. Yes. There are marshmallows on the bottom.

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Tuesday morning consisted of a cottage cheese mess bowl.

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In the cottage cheese container since it was near empty. CIACCC (cereal in a cottage cheese container).

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I got this cottage cheese because it was on “Introductory super sale” for like $1.50. I’m not a huge fan of the added fiber to things. I feel like it’s used to make things lower calories, lower “net carbs”, etc. And I’d rather get my natural fiber from natural sources. But I feel it is good for people who do struggle to get their fiber in – although whole foods should be pushed! But it was actually very tasty!!

I ate the last bit of the banana with some chocolate hazelcrack nut butter.

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I’m so happy to be moved in with my own dishes – my mugs are back!!

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At work, the 3-year old and I walked the 15 minutes to Jamba Juice downtown. She got the Orange A-peel, and we had it split in 2 kids cups (did you know you could do that?! I didn’t).

Sure, I’ll take the other kids cup.

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I also had a “buy 1 get 1 free” coupon and used it to get a very special smoothie I’ve wanted to try since last year.

Well, doesn’t that look nasty.

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Pumpkin Smash smoothie!!!!! I took only a couple sips of this thing to try it ASAP, and it was SWEET. So sweet I actually puckered up a bit. I asked them if there was a way to make it “lighter,” and they really didn’t know. I think I would look into this more. But until then, I make my own pumpkin smoothies quite delicious, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m losing you aren’t I? Ok I’ll hurry up through the rest of Tuesday and onto Wednesday.

Lunch was leftover flatbread pizza.

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And I think I had a fruit salad cottage cheese mixture on my way out the door to work. I think.

Dinner was unphotograped but it was soup, salad and rice. Meh.

But dessert was phenom. Cake batter & dulce de leche froyo with the most necessary toppings known to mankind – crushed oreos and chocolate sauce. And a bit of cookie dough. Oh and I wanted to try those mochi balls(?). Not a fan.

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Moving onto Wednesday, I honestly can’t find a picture of my breakfast. I think it was oatmeal. So sorry, this has been a crazy week.

I randomly snacked at work, and then picked up a salad at TJs while picking up groceries for my nannying family. My old roommate always raved about this Spa Salad (I think it’s the spa salad – I could be wrong).

Rip-off!!! Where did my mandarin oranges run off to?

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It comes with chicken, mandarin oranges (supposedly), cheese (also seemed to be missing that?), grapes, and a curry dressing. Over lettuce and some type of noodles.

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On second thought I added some of my new hummus as well.

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Pretty good. But I probably wouldn’t buy again.

Mmm splurge-worthy hummus.

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A bit basily for my taste (and I love basil!!). I want to try the plain white bean hummus next.

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The rest of the day went unphotographed again, but let me just say it contained parmesan crusted potatoes, peach crisp, and a brownie pudding parfait. Yes sir. Or Ma’am.

I’ll try to recap today during tomorrow’s post so as not to overwhelm you. I’m just so happy to have internet!!!

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First, I want to apologize for being so MIA – in blog posting, blog reading/commenting, Twitterland, etc. The past weekend was jam-packed with moving. And now I don’t have internet at my new place yet.

AKA – I’m stealing using Borders internet at the moment.

There’s so much I wish to post about and catch you up on. But that might be impossible. I’ll try to work with you in stages.

Secondly…I’m Obsessed.

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But that’s another story.

Today’s story focuses on the weekend Taylor finally moved from her longly coveted half-deflated air mattress, and onto a real bed.

The weekend was full of yogurt mess bowls:

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And cottage cheese mess bowls.

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With my new love.

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And cottage cheese obvs.

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It was also filled with salads such as one from lunch –

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And one from my favorite BBQ place in town where I went with my parents (they came down for about 3 hours – yes a 7 hour drive roundtrip to help me move in for 3 hours. Love).

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Lettuce, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, feta, pine nuts, and shredded chicken. Doused in the best BBQ sauce EVER.

Then came moving, unpacking, and more moving. And my room is still a mess. I’m guessing it will take another week to fully unpack.

A Costco trip was definitely in order to stock up on necessary toilet paper and paper towels.

This is what happens when you go to Costco hungry on a Sunday evening, yet the tasters are all packed up:

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I LOVE their berry sundae. Although I know it’s just tons of added sugar with the sundae “sauce”. Meh. It’s tasty and I rarely get it.

Oh and you really can’t forget my ginormous brownie from work either.

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Huge, and I had already eaten a good 1/4 of it.

PB cream cheese brownie to be exact.

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I ate about half before calling it a day. It was too dry for my taste.

Well that was my weekend in a nut shell as short of a post as I could make it. I know it’s not super interesting. And I also know it’s now Tuesday, so you probably don’t care to know about Saturday/Sunday events and eats.

But maybe I’ll get around to catching you up on Monday and Tuesday by the time Friday rolls around. You know how that is.

Or perhaps by then I’ll actually have internet. And my room will be unpacked.

But I doubt that one.

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I rrrrreally want to catch you up on the past few days of my life. But I just have so much mumbo jumbo to talk about, that I’m worried I’ll bore you.

Meh. Deal. But I am quite tired so I’ll split it up and make it quick.

Wednesday’s bad-quality oats in a jar.

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Road-trip yumminess.

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Road-trip nastiness.

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Concert fun.




Brad Paisley, Darius Rucker, Justin Moore, Easton Corbin, Steel Magnolia…



Concert eats.

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Ooozing cranberry sauce.

Morning eats.

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Mommy knows I love fruit ๐Ÿ™‚

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Pumpkin pie yogurt at Yogurtland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pre-long run fuel.

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Adorable cake made by sister.

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Best peanut butter ever in the entire world infinity and beyond.

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1/2 the jar gone in 1 day? Yes it’s possible.

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10.25 miles in 1:36:33.

Not a great run. Hard.

Sign of being lazy? Or just color blind?

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Post-run lunch.

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Shredded BBQ chicken & whole wheat wrap.

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Hungry 2 hours later. ย More PB duh.

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Pre-drive snack.

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Favorite part.

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Traffic + 10 mile run = must stop for food.

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$5 dolla footlong (I really hope you sang it in that tone).

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Veggies galore. But no guac apparently.

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Still starving. No food in the car…except…..

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It happens.

Roommates making gordita crunch quesadillas at 8:30. Me likey.

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It’s pumpkin season!

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Well that covered Wednesday-Friday.

I’ll catch you up on my whirlwind of a weekend tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰

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